Dr. Crusher is one of my favorite characters of all time!

She originally appeared in 'Star Trek The Next Generation' and was part of the main cast of characters. She was the chief medical officer of the starship USS Enterprise-D. She has also appeared in newer Star Trek series like 'Star Trek Picard' but I have yet to watch that!

Beverly was a lot of things! Most promenently the CMO on the Enterprise but also the mother of Wesley Crusher, an at the time Starfleet Academy student and ensign on ship who also was a recurring main character in the show.

Crusher was driven, brave, sweet, funny and always level-headed. She spent a lot of time working in the sickbay with both patients and scientific experiments. My favorite Crusher-centric episode is
4x05, "Remember Me", give it a watch!

Gates Mcfadden!
    Dr Crusher Trivia!
◾ She was a great dancer
◾ She loved the performing arts
◾ She had a fear of heights
◾ She loved cats
◾ She graduated medical school
   in the year 2352
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